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Flu and Cold Tips

Dr. Todd Green from University Health Services answers questions about Flu Season.


One of the most common sicknesses of undergraduate students during the fall semester is the flu.


In Payne County alone, there are already 6 active cases of influenza, a flu virus. Make sure to get vaccinated, the vaccinations for the flu are proven healthy.



Here are some helpful tips Dr. Todd Green answered on commonly asked questions about the flu.


  • What are the symptoms one feels of influenza before you need to go see a doctor? Profound fatigue, significant body aches, high fever and coughing are the main core symptoms of influenza.

  • Is there any concern of getting a flu shot too early as far as it being effective late in the season? There is a risk of getting the flu shot too early, the ideal safe time to get vaccinated would be mid to late October. For children we recommend 2 flu vaccines


  • The take home message Dr. Green would like to emphasize is that the vaccines are the most important tool to fight the influenza virus. There is between 10,000 - 50,000 deaths a year from influenza, nationwide every year. The vaccine is extremely safe, you having the vaccine protects those around you as well.

To learn more about the flu vaccination, check out the OSU Health Service Center here.

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